Tuesday Knighter Mar-Apr 2019
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Francis P.Duffy
Cobourg Council
"Celebrating 100 years of Charity"
knights of columbus cobourg
Respect for the dignity of life demands a commitment to human rights across a broad spectrum. Knights of Columbus defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. Knights work together to build a culture of life and civilization of love.
Marches for Life- Knights of Columbus encourages others to choose life through public support of the pro-life cause. Showing unwavering public support for the right to life.
Special Olympics- Celebrate the intrinsic worth and dignity of every single human being through the Special Olympics. Knights of Columbus councils have assisted with all aspects of the program from fundraising to feeding the athletes, organizing and judging events and providing equipment and awards.
Ultrasound Program- Save lives by helping each abortion minded woman who visits a pro-life pregnancy care center to choose life by viewing her unborn child on an ultrasound machine.
Christian Refugee Relief- Help save persecuted and at risk Christians facing genocide all over the world particularly in the Middle East. Knights of Columbus are called to bring awareness and support to those who have suffered for their faith through various parish based programs and fundraisers.
Silver Rose- demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, United States and Mexico through a series of prayer services proomting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Mass for people with Special Needs-People with special needs resulting from physical, emotional mental or cognitive conditions are all around us in society , at school , at work and in our families.
Pregnancy Center Support-Change the hearts and minds of society about abortion by showing that we love both mother and child before birth.
Novena for Life- Lead your community in the spiritual fight to establish a culture of life in our nations. Knights and their families will come together in both publich and private acts of prayer to promote the protection of life. Council participation in Novena for Life is required to qualify for the Columbian Award.