Tuesday Knighter Mar-Apr 2019
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Francis P.Duffy
Cobourg Council
"Celebrating 100 years of Charity"
knights of columbus cobourg
To strengthen men and their families in faith. Program in this category are designed to draw us closer to God and the Church in a tangible and meaningful way- whether through helping the future shepherds of the Mother Church, quiet contemplation in a spiritual reflection program, or honoring Mary, Mother of God.
These programs should strive to arm us for the spiritual battle that our men and families face daily.
Refund Support Vocation Program (RSVP) – this program, council and
parish families will raise funds to support seminarians or religious in formation,
in this area.
Into the Breach- Deepen member spirituality and formation to combat crisis
of religious faith in our world. This is a call to battle for Catholic men which
urges them to wholeheartedly embrace masculine virtues in a world at crisis.
Marian Icon Prayer Program-As the new Marian Icon pilgrimages through the
jurisdiction, councils will host a prayer service at their parish.
Building the Domestic Church Kiosk- This program is designed to strengthen
the domestic church (our families) by providing exceptional religious education
materials to all Catholics.
Rosary Program- Program will build faithful families and communities by
praying the rosary. This program encourages devotion to Mary, the patroness
of our Order, and emphasizes the importance of prayer in community and as
a family.
Spiritual Reflection Program- Create annual opportunities for prayer and
reflection as a fraternity.Under the guidance of their chaplain, councils can
attend a retreat or day of reflection together or perhaps organize their own
event for the men of their parish.
Holy Hour- Encourage deep personal encounter with God. Councils can organize
their Holy Hours in a variety of ways and incorporate aspects such as: perpetual
adoration, the sacrament of reconciliation, prayer for particular intentions and
Sacramental Gifts- Supports families during most important events in the life
of the domestic church: the sacraments. Knights of Columbus will always be
present in a tangible and meaningful way, regardless of who else is there for them.