Tuesday Knighter Mar-Apr 2019
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Francis P.Duffy
Cobourg Council
"Celebrating 100 years of Charity"
knights of columbus cobourg
The program in this category are developed for families, by families. Father McGivney sought to strengthen the familial bond of father to mother and children to parents. The programs under family are in response to a society that seeks to weaken the bonds of family.
Food for Families-Help the underprivledged in communities across North America and around
the globe. Many in our communities are struggling through hardship and unable to
provide for their families. Knights of Columbus are committed to helping end hunger
through the Food for Families program.
Family of the Month/Year- Each month the Council Family of the Month
committee selects one parish family that models Christian family values and visibly
lives them every day. Each council establishes a committee to recognize a deserving
Family of the Month and Family of the Year with potential for recognition on the
international level.
Keep Christ in Christmas- Promote the true spirit of Christmas in our homes,
schools, parishes and communities. Councils will evangelize society through their
faithful acts, celebrations and a variety of activities. Knights of Columbus offers
multiple activities that promote Christmas and the season of Advent: Light up for
Christ, Crèche or Advent Wreath Blessing and the Christmas Poster contest.
Family Fully Alive- Monthly devotions are concrete ways that Knights of Columbus
in solidarity with the Pope Francis, can support the growth of holy and loving families
in the Church. The Family Fully Alive program asks families to invite God into their
homes and cultivate each family as a miniature domestic church. Booklets as a
devotional guide are provided with monthly themes, reflections, mediations and
group projects.
Family Week- Help families place God and the Catholic faith at the center of their
lives, year round. Councils will dedicate a special week of the year for their parish to
recognize the vital importance of families’ foundation of our domestic church and to
promote Catholic family values.
Consecration to the Holy Family-Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori has
composed a prayer through which families will come together to consecrate
themselves under the protection of the Holy Family. Through consecration to the
Holy Family is not a single event. It is choosing a way of life for the family.
Family Prayer Night- Strengthen the bonds within our parishes and build
faith-filled families. Families of council members, as well as other Catholic families
within the parish and community will gather for prayer, dinner and fellowship.
Multiple groups can be formed and families are encouraged to rotate between
these groups.
Good Friday Family Promotion-Bring families into more robust practice and better
understanding of our Catholic faith and the triduum. Councils will encourage
participation in Good Friday services through promotional campaigns by trying to
increase attendance at services which remain low.